Sunday worship includes:
The Holy Eucharist: Rite II service at 10:00 a.m.
Every Wednesday morning the St. Mark’s Episcopal School has a Chapel service based on a Bible Story.
Special worship events include Blessing of the Backpacks, Blessing of the Animals, The Hanging of the Greens and The Pageantry of Christmas. St. Mark's also occasionally holds special events by parishioners including vocal and musical performances.
Our worship ministries include:
- Music is a vital part of our worship. We have a gifted organist/choir master, a dedicated choir and a new bell-ringer ministry.
- Altar Guild teams prepare the altar and sanctuary for all worship services.
- As the Covid pandemic comes to an end, St. Mark's will resume its tradition of having vergers, the “stage managers” of the worship service ensuring pre-service details are in place, leading the processions and handling any challenges that come up during the services.
- Crucifers are commissioned by the priest to carry the cross and assist the celebrant at Eucharist.
- Gospel Bearers carry the gospel and bear the second chalice at Eucharist.
- Torchbearers are youth who light and extinguish the candles in the sanctuary and carry the torches.
- Lay Readers read the lessons, Psalms and Prayers of the People during our worship.
- Ushers and greeters help every person who comes to our door to feel welcomed and comfortable at St. Mark’s.