Men’s Ministries

Now there are TWO ways to enjoy fellowship with the men of St. Mark’s
The St. Mark’s Men’s Group meets at the church at 6:30 PM on the 1st Monday each month.
Come and join with other men of St. Mark’s to be nourished with:
· Food for our bodies – chocolate chip cookies and “manly” food
· Food for our hearts - fellowship and relationship building
· Food for our minds - lively discussion
· Food for our souls - studies for spiritual growth and occasional compline
Plans are also underway for –
Social Outreach projects
Road trips
In addition, you can join a select group of St. Mark’s men for breakfast and fellowship every Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m. Please join them for breakfast at the Whataburger located at 5400 FM 1640, Richmond, Texas. (Next to Wal-Mart and the Post Office).
Questions? Please contact the church office or Scott Marks.
The Men's group also helps provides the leadership role in special events like Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Supper and our Lenten Fish Fry we have every Friday during lent.