Sewing Guild

Sewing Guild
Contact:  Jeanne Reaves

The purpose of the St. Mark's Sewing Guild is to touch those in need by using our sewing skills. We meet twice a month at the church to work on such projects as "Little Dresses for Africa", dresses for Haiti plus little boys' shorts. We have also created children's ponchos for Common Threads and baby blankets for TX Children's Hospital. We have made "hoodie-scarves" for Lord of the Streets. As we stitch, we have found friendship with one another, especially when we gather for the pot-luck lunch on sewing day! You may also donate cotton fabrics, money to buy fabric, and/or cotton clothes, bedsheets and pillow cases that can be repurposed for making dresses. If you would like to join us and don't sew, we would appreciate help in pinning, cutting, ironing, and putting up a display of our finished work.  Friends are welcome, too! Even non-sewers.  They can pin and cut. 12 years old and up are also welcomed to join us too!

The Sewing Sistahs will be meeting once a month in classroom H & J upstairs at 10am - 2pm! Check our online calendar for dates.

Check the online calendar for future Sewing days.