
Sunday Coffee Hour
Every Sunday Morning is a great place to meet and get to know others before and after worship service. We encourage you to stay, relax and enjoy coffee and other refreshments!

Trunk or Treat 
Calling all princes and princesses, superheroes and minions! Come and have fun trick or treating, trunk to trunk! (Children of all ages are  welcome.)  Trunks will be set up in the parking lot of St. Mark’s the last Saturday in October!  

St. Mark’s Dinner Groups 
What a great way to get to know your fellow church members!   We will start the dinners by gathering interested folks and then assign everyone to a group, with the group size being about eight. One couple is asked to host the first dinner. At that dinner, the group will decide on what schedule they would meet and who would host. The groups will meet once a month at someone's home or a restaurant. If you are interested in joining a group please see Rev. Susie or email her at shebert@stmarksfortbend.org.  

Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Supper
Forget the Diners if you're craving breakfast for dinner on Shrove Tuesday, at 6:00 pm. The People of St. Mark's will be serving hot-and-fresh pancakes, sausage and bacon! This free supper will be served to the community at St. Mark's. Donations will be accepted for the meal.

St. Mark's Easter Egg Hunt
The vast lawn in front of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church at 7615 FM 762 will contain hundreds of Easter eggs, waiting for children of all ages. The hunt is between Sunday Easter Services.  Sections are reserved for children by age groups.   If you would to help with our Easter Egg Hunt or give a donation towards it please contact the church office.

Ladies….Wrap Your Ornaments and Join in the Fun!
During the Christmas holiday all ladies and “girl” teens are invited to St. Mark’s Christmas Brunch and Ornament Exchange. On a Saturday in December. Look for future date.  The ladies bring a $10 wrapped gift and their favorite brunch dish to share.  Please consider inviting friends and neighbors to join in the fun!