- Is a dynamic, energetic priest ready to lead a dynamic, energetic congregation
- Stands as a strong spiritual leader ever mindful of our church’s core values
- Envisions St. Mark’s as a quickly growing regional hub for the Episcopal faith
- Is a powerful preacher whose sermons leave us uplifted and thoughtful
- Promotes an outstanding music ministry encouraging those with that God-given gift to share it
- Bestows responsive, compassionate pastoral care
- Is a knowledgeable teacher of the Bible sharing life applications based on the scriptures
- Is passionate about developing and recognizing our strong lay leadership
- Is an organized administrator who effectively manages staff and processes as we continue to grow
- Enjoys being warm and engaging one-on-one comfortably relating to children, youth and adults
- Builds a vigorous youth ministry by reaching out to youth in our local schools
- Is creative and inspiring in bringing all ages to Christ through evangelism in our mission field
- Sees social outreach to those in need as a priority in a Christ-centered organization
- Openly welcomes everyone into St. Mark’s and respects the dialogue that a diversity of views creates
For those interested in being considered for Rector please see Contact Us page.
Prayer for the Election of a Rector
Almighty God, giver of every gift;
look graciously on your Chuch
and so guide the minds of those
who shall choose a rector of the parish,
that we may receive a faithful pastor,
who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
From the Book of Common Prayer, Page 818